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Bone Broth Quinoa Tabouleh

 January 24, 2018

BONE BROTH QUINOA TABOULEH - INGREDIENTS1 cup SPROUTED quinoa, rinsed well (it's not 100% necessary to use sprouted quinoa, but sprouted quinoa is a lot easier to digest, so I highly recommend it)1 1/4 cups Bonafide provisions chicken bone brothJuice of one lemon (I personally like lots of lemon, so I make it with 2 lemons!)1 tsp sea salt2 cloves minced garlic1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil1/2 tsp black pepper2 persian cucumber sliced thinly (I usually find them at Trader Joe's, but i you can't find persian cucumbers, use 1 large hothouse cucumber and cut into 1/2 inch pieces1 pint cherry tomatoes, sliced in half3 thinly sliced scallions1/2 cup chopped fresh mint2/3 cup chopped Italian parsley

If you have been following me on Instagram for a while, you know that I’ve started to share more and more of “my story” and my struggles with food. I’ve always been someone with a deep passion for health and wellness, but at the same time I REALLY struggled with food. Essentially, I preached to others my belief that FOOD IS HEALING, yet behind closed doors I wasn’t living that. I struggled for many years with compulsive eating and bulimia, and while no one knew, I knew, and I really wreaked havoc on my body; in particular, my GUT. My stomach acidity was always off, I was chronically constipated, bloated, you name it. It’s because my food never properly digested, causing an imbalance in the acids, and because I was feeding my body CRAP.

One of the things that I did to help my gut heal, was incorporating bone broth into my diet–on a DAILY BASIS. Bone broth effectively coated my stomach and started to HEAL my gut. After about 6 months, I started feeling less acidic and less bloated, and my digestion started to improve. I attribute that to a couple factors, including changing my diet completely (bye bye to processed foods), taking my favorite probiotic daily, and both DRINKING and COOKING with bone broth.

The benefits of bone broth are many, including reducing inflammation, improving joint health, promoting strong hair and nails, and has even been shown to reverse leaky gut. This post isn’t about that, though, I will save that for another post. This post is where I will share with you my recipe for BONE BROTH INFUSED QUINOA TABOULEH!!!

My recipes are always EASY, because I want you to go out and MAKE THEM! So here you go, enjoy, my friends!  If you make it, leave a comment below and let me know what you think!



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Nicole Modic
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  • 1 cup SPROUTED quinoa, rinsed well (it's not 100% necessary to use sprouted quinoa, but sprouted quinoa is a lot easier to digest, so I highly recommend it)
  • 1 ¼ cups Bonafide provisions chicken bone broth
  • Juice of one lemon (I personally like lots of lemon, so I make it with 2 lemons!)
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 2 cloves minced garlic
  • ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • ½ tsp black pepper
  • 2 persian cucumber sliced thinly (I usually find them at Trader Joe's, but i you can't find persian cucumbers, use 1 large hothouse cucumber and cut into 1/2 inch pieces)
  • 1 pint cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
  • 3 thinly sliced scallions
  • ½ cup chopped fresh mint
  • cup chopped Italian parsley


  • Rinse quinoa well.
  • In a medium pot on the stove, add the bone broth and quinoa. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and cover. 
  • Cook for 15 minutes.
  • Remove cover and fluff your quinoa. Let the quinoa cool. 
  • While the quinoa is cooking, chop all your veggies and put them in a bowl.
  • In another small bowl, whisk together the lemon, olive oil, salt pepper, and garlic. 
  • Finally, add the veggies to the quinoa, along with the dressing, and mix to coat well.
  • You can enjoy this dish hot, I prefer it cold! Adjust seasonings to your taste. 

Did you make this recipe?

I’d love to see what you made - tag @kalejunkie
in your posts and I’ll re-share!



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